Post #5074

Welcome to Our

!! Our Hire Section is Pirates Galore !!

Introducing our new and improved Calypso costume!
Goddess of the Seas; Daughter of Atlas; Loved and Feared by All.
To meet Davy Jones as he comes to land once every ten years by your own choice?
To have been trapped by the First Brethren Court of pirates as a mortal, and live as a voodoo mystic?
To aid Jack Sparrow as he ventures to become the Pirate King of the Caribbean?
To free Barbosa to collect your old friend Jack, for the chance for the Pirate Lords to free your from your mortal bonds and reap your vengeance on the world?

How you live as Calypso is up to you,
all that we do know is you'll make an absolute
at your next party with this customised hire costume.
If you're in town, we'd love to have you stop into our shop to browse our variety of customised hire costumes, you're guaranteed to find what you need for a great price! If you can't make it in, don't be afraid to send us a message on our Facebook or give us a ring!
We'd love to hear from you.